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Operations Improvement: How can your organisation benefit?

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5th February 2014

Every transport organisation strives to improve its operation or risks decline. Even when it is performing well, is profitable and a leader in its field, an operator will have its eye on where it can take its operations next and on the risks and opportunities of possible external factors.

Finding a concise definition of transport operations improvement is not an easy task. After all, it can mean so many things: Improving processes, layouts, work methods, planning, equipment, technology, from a physical perspective. Achieving product differentiation, improving customer satisfaction and attracting new customers from a competitive perspective. And improving throughput, use of space, productivity and profitability or reducing costs, from a financial viewpoint.

For o&i consulting, transport operations improvements come in a number of categories:

  • Helping clients to offer the “product” that their existing and target markets want.
  • Achieving the level of quality and reliability that the organisation wishes to offer.
  • Operating at efficiency levels that optimise use of equipment, facilities and resources, as well as increasing profit, while delivering other necessary controls.

Operations improvement, for o&i consulting, involves employing industrial engineering and operational research skills, our understanding of the aviation and distribution industries and the client operation, and our practical operations experience. We use this mix of skills and experience to help transport clients to achieve their goals, capitalise on opportunities within their operation and ultimately optimise their performance.

This combination is relevant in strong and weak economic times. It enables you to maximise your performance and minimise expenditure in tough times; and helps you to optimise throughput and maximise profit in good times.

Would you like to optimise your operation? Please contact David Calder at

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