Construction Logistics Expertise for Transport for London

The challenge
Delivered in association with Transport for London (TfL) and the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILT), the Construction Logistics Programme is an international award winning and industry-led programme developed to reduce the volume and impact of construction road freight. With 75 organisations involved, the programme partners actively work together to find viable alternatives to tackle the associated issues of safety, congestion and air quality.
The programme is being implemented through a Construction Logistics Improvement Group (CLIG) and several Working Groups. The primary role of CLIG is to act as the steering group throughout the programme, developing, approving, adopting and promoting interventions through its Working Groups. The CLIG meets periodically to assess the relevance of the programme and the success of its outputs.
o&i consulting and Jacobs logistics experts were engaged by TfL to fulfil specialist logistics consultancy duties in relation to the Construction Logistics Improvement Group secretariat. Our role is to build on the existing CLIG work and momentum and maintain the focus of the Group to provide industry leadership to deliver the TfL Construction Logistics Programme.
Our role
A core focus of our role is the delivery of a number of CLIG meetings and working groups. We have been leading the organisation, preparation and facilitation of these events which provide an important forum for reviewing the progress of key CLIG projects and research reports, discussing key logistics themes and ensuring active industry input and engagement to help shape and guide the work. In order to maintain momentum, we manage post-meeting communications to ensure participants are fully aware of their commitments and next steps. The project team liaises closely with TfL to ensure the CLIG continues to involve a good range and mix of organisations, including developers, construction contractors, supply chain operators, and major projects.
The o&i / Jacobs team also engages in a broader communication role, promoting the CLIG amongst stakeholders via a number of marketing channels. We set up and sourced the content for the first eBulletin and continue to prepare and compile subsequent e-Bulletins and newsletters.
o&i expertise
- Stakeholder engagement and management
- One day workshop planning, organisation and facilitation
- Work group planning, facilitation and participation
- Preparing and sourcing newsletter content and delivering e-news bulletins
- Maintaining and updating the project contact database
- Website information management
- Logistics expertise
Project Key Facts
Title: Construction Logistics Expertise for Transport for London
Client: Jacobs
Theme: Logistics