Construction Logistics Strategy for Manchester Airport Transformation Programme

The challenge
Manchester Airport Transformation Programme is investing £1bn in the airport over the next 10 years. Through phased developments, the airport will increase its capacity within its existing footprint and provide its customers with contemporary facilities and state of the art services.
With much of the development work taking place over the next 3 – 5 years, it is important for the airport to ensure minimal disruption to airport operations, passengers and airlines during construction while keeping the programme on track. The airport therefore asked o&i consulting, in conjunction with Arcadis, to provide expert support and guidance in the development of a construction logistics strategy.
Our role
Commissioned through Arcadis, o&i consulting worked with an associate consultant and specialist in construction logistics to develop a construction logistics strategy for the Manchester Airport Transformation Programme (MAN TP). The role of our team was to provide the necessary expertise and insight to enable Manchester Airport to understand its strategic options and outline a relevant logistics operating concept for the programme of works.
As a busy international airport, Manchester has an emphasis on continuity of operations and service. However, many of the construction site options for MAN TP are tightly constrained with airport business as usual operations occurring immediately adjacent to them and passengers continuing to arrive, depart, park and utilise the local road networks.
A core element of the task at hand was therefore to assess the impact of the additional construction traffic and provide viable recommendations and solutions to meet this demand while normal service continues.
The logistics strategy addressed two key areas: material and people logistics. It provided a coordinated approach and a recommended set of rules for the delivery of materials to the constrained construction sites in a manner which was efficient, safe and does not interfere with the day to day running of the airport. At the same time, it was important to consider the welfare of the many different site workers and delivery personnel, as well as address financial, environmental and legacy factors.
Our team modelled overall demand levels for the project with a particular focus on peak volumes. With an understanding of people and vehicle movements on to and around the site over the course of the project, we were able to determine site and facility requirements and how these will evolve through programme phases. Our report indicated the options available for construction logistics sites and routes, to best avoid disruption to airport operations, as well as identifying key project risks and recommended mitigations from logistics and operational perspectives.
Overall, the strategy report laid out the alternative solutions for the logistics concept and site location options, with the relative pros and cons, to help facilitate decision making and enable Manchester Airport to move forward with the programme of works.
o&i expertise
- Strategy development
- Site assessment
- Logistics flow design
- Demand modelling
- Procurement advice
- Airport logistics expertise
- Construction logistics expertise
- Stakeholder engagement
Project Key Facts
Title: Construction Logistics Strategy for Manchester Airport Transformation Programme
Client: Manchester Airports Group (with Arcadis)
Theme: Transport & Logistics, Airports, Aviation