Goods-In Waste-Away

Goods-In Waste-Away
A complex network of companies, vehicles, people and equipment works ‘behind the scenes’ to ensure transport hubs and public buildings, such as shopping centres, function effectively. Part of this is ensuring that these buildings are adequately serviced with retail and food and beverage supplies, waste collection, cleaning and maintenance to name a few. Operators require a structured, controlled and well-managed service yard and end-to-end goods-in waste-away process to enable suppliers to deliver their stock, tools or materials or perform their function successfully.
o&i consulting works with airport, station and shopping centre operators, architects and engineering groups, to design, plan and develop management strategies for service yards and distribution flows within these facilities. We provide expert logistics support during RIBA design stages, model capacity and demand for horizontal and vertical people, goods / waste and vehicles flows, and advise layout design and how logistics teams can work together to achieve an efficient operation.
Projects & Case Studies