Passenger Security Screening

Passenger Security Screening
Regulatory, technological, functional and personnel changes within passenger screening environments all have an impact on the operational performance of passenger security checkpoints. o&i consulting provides an independent approach to passenger security screening stakeholders; helping them to (re)design screening areas and processes, find appropriate technology and equipment combinations, quantify and increase productivity levels, and develop planning methods and models. Our work enables clients to successfully accommodate and respond to the evolving nature of aviation security.
o&i consulting has significant experience in improving security operations for international operators; helping European airports to prepare for changes in LAGs legislation, ETD requirements and other regulatory and equipment advances; conducting passenger security focused studies for and advising government agencies; and sharing our expertise with international manufacturers. Our team conducts surveys and trials to provide operators with an understanding of current operational performance and performance potential based on operational changes. We have an indepth understanding of available technologies and, most significantly, the importance of getting the right combination of technologies and processes to optimise productivity.
Projects & Case Studies